
3530 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610.

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Who am i?

Hi. I’m Morgan Klein.


I’m a certified Advanced Rolfer/Structural Integration bodyworker with almost 20 years experience and 2000 hours of training. Yes. 2000 hours. I have a practice in Oakland and travel throughout the Bay Area. I began my professional education and career in 2003 learning Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Shiatsu, and Cranio-Sacral massage. I learned from two different decades-old family owned massage schools in Los Angeles. Since then, I’ve been the most requested practitioner at several high end spas, have worked on site at Google, Pixar, LinkedIn, and Github, and have managed to keep a strong private practice running the entire time.

When I was just 21, I experienced what’s known as the Rolfing/Structural Integration ten series for the first time. It had such a profound impact on my posture, freedom, fluidity, and overall sense of embodiment. Some years later, after nearly a decade of working as a standard massage therapist, I switched gears into Rolfing. In 2012 I started studying at the Guild for Structural Integration, a school dedicated to keeping the original teachings of Dr. Ida Rolf alive. I had the good fortune of training under some of the most elder and esteemed teachers of this craft in the world, and completed my Advanced training in 2015. Since then I’ve been practicing this massively influential technique to my clients here in California. 

When I’m not busy working on bodies, I work on hearts and minds as well. I facilitate Circling classes, Family Constellations, I play music with Franki Jupiter and the Moons, I create photographs, swim in rivers, and go on local adventures with my kiddo. Anything else you care to know, just ask. I’m always an open book, and my books are always open!

What is rolfing?

The Ida Rolf Institute explains the general concepts behind Rolfing.

Hours of Training

Years of Practice


"Mr. Klein is a true healer." -Grant Albrecht

I have worked with Mr. Klein, or more specifically Mr. Klein has worked on me, for almost thirteen years. I feel I am distinctly qualified to assess his abilities; not simply on the basis of our long association, but because he is one of literally hundreds of Rolfers and massage therapists from whom I have received treatment. 

20 years ago I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis- a demyelinating spinal cord condition which causes weakness in the lower appendages and tremendous spasticity from the waist down. It is only through a combination of intense physical therapy and regular deep tissue massage that I remain upright. Though I must use a cane and my gait is labored, I am one of the only people on medical record with a demyelination at my level who continues to walk at all. Some of the credit for maintaining my mobility most certainly belongs to Mr. Klein. 

He has the rare combination of strength and skill, intuition and technical expertise. His knowledge of physiology and anatomy are impressive; but his hands are truly gifted. Of the countless bodyworkers I have known, none have his remarkable combination of talents. In short, I believe Mr. Klein is a true healer. And perhaps the rarest combination of all, he is both a healer and a professional. Diligent and committed to his work, he always arrives on time, centered in his intention to create wellness. 

I endorse him with every confidence. Mr. Klein has my very highest recommendation. Though selfishly I’d rather no one offer him employment, so that he might return full-time to Southern California; I assure you, it would be in your best interest to give him your utmost consideration. 

"Everything is easier..." - Willa Mamet

I cannot say enough about Morgan’s work.  He has helped me enormously with my mobility and pain – and everything is easier because of it (driving, sleeping, dancing, standing, singing, making love, digesting, breathing – you name it.)

I’m a bodyworker, myself, and a generally sensitive human.  You probably won’t find someone pickier than me about who’s allowed in my energetic field and who gets to touch my body.  I trust Morgan as a clean, skillful, heartful human and practitioner.  The increasing freedom of my body speaks objectively to that assessment.

Furthermore, Rolfing gets a bad rap as being a painful process.  It doesn’t have to be so – and Morgan’s sensitivity and listening allow for much magic to unfold without the potential horror.  It speaks to the art of his work.

the pain is completely gone..." -Zan morsch

“So much swagger it hurt.”

This is what Morgan told me the first time he told me to walk for him so he could access what my problem was with my hips. Sure enough over the years i had developed this stupid gait in my walk that looked sexy but was indeed slowly screwing up the makeup of my spine. 

It became difficult to walk for long distances without severe pain in my hips. I was fearful and certain that i would need surgery. Luckily a friend told me about Rolfing and an amazing rolfer in the neighborhood.

I received the 10 series and I truly can’t believe that I’m actually walking the way a normal human being should!!
The pain is completely gone and not only am I able to walk long distances, I just came back from an epic trip to the Annapurna mountain range in Nepal and hiked for 6 days pain free in my hips!! :O
I’m truly truly grateful for this man with the magic touch, and the kind compassionate demeanor/company throughout the series.

Thank you so much Morgan, you helped make my dream of hiking in Nepal a reality. Forever grateful.

"I have never slept better."- Oliver Steinberg

All I can say is that I’ve had a lot of massages all over the world. And there is something about this therapist that is better than almost any massage I’ve ever had. He has the magic touch. Very professional and courteous service.

Morgan is blessed with magical hands and a presence of mind which enables him to seek out the tightest knots and stress points. Thank you Morgan!!! I have never slept better after a massage.

"ROlfing helped with my chronic pain..." - July Westhale

Morgan is fantastic! I came to him with a bad spinal injury, and worked with him in conjunction with a chiropractor. His Rolfing helped with my chronic pain, the way my body functions, and even how I sit and hold myself. Highly recommended!

"He changed my life..." - Ada Lusardi

I was dead, now I’m alive.

"I feel like a new person!" - Brett Dallinger

Wow! Morgan literally saved my back. I’ve been to several bodyworkers over the years to try to get relief for my low back pain and none of them has been able to help much except for Morgan. For years I’d wake up so stiff that I could barely get out of bed and then I’d struggle through the day in my chair at work. Now, with the help of Morgan’s magic hands, I don’t have either of those issues! I feel like a new person! If you’re looking for someone to help you out with aches and pains, I cannot recommend Morgan highly enough. And he’s as friendly and kind as can be, too. Thanks again, Morgan!

"look no further" - Jacob Kuenzel

I have nothing but good things to say about Morgan! I started out with short massage sessions with him and appreciated his firm but relaxed technique. We chatted often during sessions, and I soon learned of his training in Rolfing. I was having pretty bad Repetitive Stress Injury pain at the time and hoped that getting some more in depth treatment from him might help. I went for a full 10 sessions, and sure enough I experienced a pretty dramatic improvement. The Rolfing experience was definitely intense at times, but it always felt like we were making forward progress and Morgan was a great guide–he did a great job of explaining things and making me feel comfortable. If you’re looking for any sort of bodywork, I’d say look no further than this guy!

"He relieved pain that I didn't even know I had..." - Gina Gold

If you want a life changing experience Morgan is the person to go to. I went to him not knowing what to expect, I had heard good things about Rolfing but I’ve tried so many things and was often disappointed with the results. This time I was not! I had been in terrible pain from a car accident that happened over a year ago. It was in my neck and shoulders and it was relentless. I would get some temporary relief from massages but the pain would come right back again. After one session with Morgan I immediately felt the difference.

He relieved pain that I didn’t even know I had until it was gone. I was able to move my neck in a way that I have not been able to for over a year. Rolfing also works on an emotional level because over time I noticed that I was less depressed. It was as if something had been released on such a deep deep level and I was calmer and happier. I had heard that Rolfing can release stored trauma from the body but didn’t quite believe it, now I do! I recommend getting Rolfing sessions with Morgan just to see the difference in how you feel. It will release tension, emotional pain and physical pain that you have been carrying around and maybe didn’t even realize it!


Q: What is Rolfing?

A: Rolfing, also known as Structural Integration, is a form of deep bodywork whose primary goal is improved structure (alignment, posture, form), but which is *highly* effective for chronic pain relief of all kinds. People who have carried pain with them for months or years often remark it’s the only thing they’ve found that gets to the root and makes a dent. It’s traditionally done in a series of 10 sessions, in which we methodically address your entire body: stretching tissue, releasing adhesions, putting things back where they belong, creating a sense of order. 

Q: Do I have to do all ten sessions?

A: The 10 series is how Dr. Ida Rolf originally conceived of Structural Integration. It was the summation of her life’s work; she lovingly called it “the Recipe.” Each session has its own focus, or protocol, and because the work itself is very slow and precise, it takes that many sessions to address your entire body, to leave no stone unturned, and to get it speaking to itself more as a cohesively functioning system. I strongly recommend people start with the 10 series, and the series can also be a great yearly tune-up to keep your body supple and straight.

That said, we can also do one off’s for people with very specific needs, or post-10 work for people who’ve been through it and are still craving and needing more.

Q: Is it different from Chiropractic work?

A: Very, although chiropractors love us because we make their jobs easier! Chiropractic work is typically all about the spine: adjusting the spine and its vertebrae so they are more in alignment. This is soft tissue manipulation, working mostly with the fascia (the thin-but-dense tissue that wraps around all your muscles, glands, and organs) that’s everywhere on your body, not just your back. We seek to make this tissue more supple, resilient, and organized, such that no area of your body is working too hard to compensate for any other area, and a sense of lightness and fluidity pervades.

Q: Is it painful?

A: Short answer: shouldn’t be! At most it should be like the feeling of a really deep stretch: challenging, but still okay.

Long answer: I like to differentiate between pain vs. intensity. Intense sensation and experience works at your threshold, or maybe slightly past it, but not too far past. It’s still sensation you can fully work with, receive, and find some pleasure within. Pain, on the other hand, is overwhelming. It’s too much. Pain causes you to resist, defend, and dissociate, none of which are conducive to the process. There will likely be some intense moments here and there, but it shouldn’t ever be “too much”.  When things arise, it’s up to you, and us together, to dialogue, and explore how we can work effectively but comfortably. You might find yourself surprised by the various nuances of sensation available in this kind of work; you might find yourself genuinely craving it by the time we’re finished. Though rare, you might also experience some mild soreness the day of or after a session;  it will not last long, and in its place you will find feelings of lightness, freedom, and flow.  

Q: What other bodywork do you offer?

I spent many years doing massage, and although Rolfing/Structural Integration is mostly what I practice and believe in these days, I do still offer other bodywork sessions, for people who want to focus on specific issues; who want to calm and down-regulate their nervous systems; explore moving some energy; clear some stuck emotion; or just receive nurturing, nourishing touch. I seamlessly combine all my influences and the techniques I’ve learned to give one of the best massages you’ll ever receive.  

Q: What should I wear?

For Rolfing sessions, I advise men to wear briefs style underwear, and for women/female-assigned people to wear either a bikini, or otherwise underwear (top and bottom) in which they feel comfortable being worked on.

Q: What's your cancellation policy?

I have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Please give me a heads up within that time frame if you need to cancel for any reason, so that I can try to fill the slot, otherwise I’ll expect you to pay for the session in full. Thanks for understanding.

Contact Me

Need a session immediately? Have questions about if this bodywork is right for you? Have a secret crush on me?

Contact me using the form, or email me directly at:

14 + 9 =


ACUPUNCTURE, HERBS, and CHINESE MEDICINE: Dr. Kyle Miura. Based in Berkeley, california.


Dr. Miura, in addition to being the kindest and gentlest of souls, is easily one of the best acupuncturist and TCM practitioners I’ve ever been to, and I’ve literally been to hundreds, no exaggeration. He elevates the craft to the highest plateau. I worked with him when I had acute mold ingestion and within a month my months-long persistent wheezing cough was gone for good. For health concerns ranging from acute to chronic, start here.


Mitch is an intuitive with a deep gift. He’s a former licensed psychotherapist and social worker who brings a deep well of compassion and mental health awareness into his practice of working with people on much subtler, esoteric levels for psycho-spiritual concerns, blockages, entitites, karmic dissolutions, etc.

CHIROPRACTIC WORK: Dr. Jessica Franco. Based in Oakland.

Dr. Franco juxtaposes a gentle touch and warm funny demeanor with being an utter powerhouse and force. She’s armed with post-chiropractic trainings in other modalities to complement her total understanding of the musculoskeletal body, for acute and chronic injury rehabilitation and pain syndrome management.


Willa’s wisdom, accrued knowledge, and intuition are matched by the acuity and sensitivity of her hands. If you’re looking for any of these specific modalities, or if you would simply prefer to have a woman practitioner, I trust and endorse Willa wholeheartedly.


Dr. Medici has been my health mentor for over a decade. He synthesizes the deepest awareness and understanding of modern biochemistry, pharmacology, and cellular biology, with ancient eastern medicine theory (Chinese, Ayurvedic), into a comprehensive model of health. He routinely works with patients suffering debilitating and even terminal illnesses, or patients for whom doctors wish to remove an organ or perform invasive surgery, and instead shows them their path toward healing and recovery. Additionally, his podcast has over 300 episodes, on topics ranging from very specific ailments/symptomologies to the broad picture of what health and wellness truly entail. Dr. Medici is what Dr. Oz and Dr. Weill should be and aren’t by a long shot, and is a true vastly under-appreciated resource and blessing to humanity. I would definitely trust Medici with my family’s lives.



Pam has emerged as a pioneer in the field of women’s reproductive and physiological health, awareness, and hands-on internal work, and as a sex educator for grown ups of all bodies and backgrounds. For any issue that is uniquely related to a female body, she is a vast wealth of material and expertise. (She also continues to give a mean deep-tissue/shiatsu combo massage if you ask)